Difference Between Magnitude and Intensity of Earthquake

 Magnitude is a measure of the size of an earthquake and is calculated based on the amplitude of the waves recorded by seismographs. Intensity is a measure of the strength of an earthquake and is calculated based on the damage caused by the earthquake.

The magnitude of an earthquake is a number that is used to describe the size of the earthquake. The magnitude is calculated based on the amplitude of the waves recorded by seismographs. The amplitude is the height of the wave from the baseline to the peak. The magnitude is a logarithmic scale, which means that an earthquake with a magnitude of 5 is 10 times as large as an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.

The intensity of an earthquake is a number that is used to describe the strength of the earthquake. The intensity is calculated based on the damage caused by the earthquake. The intensity is typically reported on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale, which is a scale that goes from I (not felt) to XII (total destruction).

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